Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dominican Republic Forum RETURNS!

The website forum that use to be
is finally back up although it has a NEW format and all the old posts were LOST
Starting all over again so we need you to log on and sign up!
Dominican Life - The Culture, The Lifestyle and The Ladies! We're back!
It is fun, it is witty, it has me as a moderator. Check it out!

The art of a camera in the Dominican Republic

One of the best things about living in the Dominican Republic is being able to see the most beautiful children in the world every day!
I always have a small digital camera on my belt just for shots like this.
They are beautiful and the unique ways they use to cool off are fun to watch.
Who would have thunk living in the US that this is a fun way for kids to cool off without being near a beach, pool or anywhere?
Wonderful smile is always a pleasure to see!
Hasta Pronto!

Yuca from the farm of Escott in Sosua Dominican Republic

This is a picture of Escott's World Famous Yuca Fritter. I can assure you that this is the only "World Famous" food known in Sosua. All other claims are just Bullshit made by Bozo's who know nothing! I picked the Yuca from my farm up in Haciendas El Choco, took it home grated it and mixed it with eggs, onions, garlic and other special ingredients. Fried it up in a pan with PAM which is a spray so it doesn't get all greased up and keeps it healthy although Pan Fried.
Lovely meal or appetiser depending on how you choose to serve it. Everyone from all over the world has enjoyed and loved my fritters. This is what I have called Dominican Food with a twist and the Dominicans have loved them and raved about them.
Hasta pronto!

Da Boys are Back!

Da boys are back in Town. I originally met this crew or actually 1 guy from the crew, the guy on the right closest when I was in Boca Chica a few years ago with another buddy Professor Tom. We were all staying in the same Condo complex. Bunch of nice guys with great sense of humor from NY and guess what, we became friends immediately.
Started hanging out at the pool and beach together. These guys had never been to the North Coast and I told them to come and they will NEVER return to Boca Chica! Well they came and haven't returned that I know of and they have been several times already. Joseph, the guy on the left, for him it was his first trip.
I always hang out with these guys and have a nice time. Joseph stayed an extra day because he couldn't get on the same plane home which was booked so he got the Finca Tour and the Sosua Tour.
We ended up having a few beers with my old broken down buddy Doug Hicks who is recovering from a broken ankle he got on our last Motorcycle ride. We went to some tipico up in the hills of Sosua sat down asked them to cut the music down so we all could talk and relax.
After that we went back to my condo where Maria was furious with me. I had left my phone in the car while we were having beers and she called me 8 times which I didn't even realize until I ran into Ramona who is the administrator of my condo complex and she even had tried to call me because Maria was so worried but didn't get her call either.
We ended up going out to dinner and she calmed down and halfway through dinner I finally got a smile out of her. Man do they worry!
Hasta pronto!
My friend Joseph who is a teacher in Brooklyn and Maria and I had dinner in a tipical Dominican Restaurant the other night in Cabarete. The name of the place is Tipical Mercedes and Mercedes is the owner/cook and her kids are the waiters and busboys. I have been eating here for YEARS. Food is good albeit not as cheap as when I first started going there and the people are great.
All Joseph was able to say was "How the heck did you even find this place". Way off the beaten track would be kind:)
Hasta Pronto!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Condo 1 block from Main beach in Sosua DR

Well since I have decided to move into one of the houses I have in Cabrera I have decided to sell my two condos in El Neptuno in Sosua. This is the one I live in and I am going to sell it for 159k. Two good size bedrooms and 2 nice bathrooms all renovated from tile floor to custom light fixtures that are works of Art I had made specifically for this condo.
This is the dining area which has had many dinner parties over the years and a lot of vintage wines and ports served to many guests!
This is the dining area facing the breakfast bar which happens to be loaded with liquors from the restaurant I have sold.
This is the guest room. It has a full size bed and a twin size platform bed with drawers under. Sorry about the mess but we were just packing up to go away for the weekend when I took these pictures.
This is the master bedroom, complete with Nightstand, dresser, queen bed, Rocking Chair, HUGE ottomen and wall to wall closets. There closets are HUGE here although I am a clothes horse and could always use more.
This is the living room overlooking the balcony. Balcony even sits 8 or 9 people and is fully tiled with a fan to keep the air moving even on a hot day. Loads of plants for privacy outside also.
If you have an interest in purchasing a condo here give me a call. 845-810-0212 which is my NY Number that rings here or 809-223-1178 my DR Cell phone.
If you get to enjoy this condo half as much as I have you will be a lucky soul!
Hasta Pronto!

El Tablon Charimcos Sosua Dominican Republic

I did a blog entry a while back where I posted pictures of the devastation of a neighborhood to make room for a public park. These pictures are where they moved the people to. So what they did was wreck one slum to build another slum. I thought it was actually nicer than what it turned out to be but alas since being inside of the neighborhood and one of the apartments it is just another slum in training. The place is huge and a concrete Jungle. The apartments are small and I guess that the government thought that they were doing something good for these people and so did I until I actually saw the place.
Disnalda the little girl that I have I guess sponsored is now living here. It is TIGHT and the apartments are right on top of each other with bad craftsmanship on top of that. Disnaldas mom says the noise it intense and it is much louder than it was where they lived in a wood shack in El Tablon.

Already since this is a condo there are apartments for sale. That is the one thing better about this place is that they have title. Before they had only squatters rights and the homes were sold with just a lawyers contract just like much of the places in the cities slums.


Hasta Pronto!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Elvis doing his Duty

These are pictures of my BEAUTIFUL German Shepherd. He is about 4 months now and doing GREAT. I am going to enter him in dog shows. I am 100% certain I will be able to finish him and make him a champ.
When I am finished with this bad boy he will be like a loaded gun. I use to breed and train German Shepherds in the states for many years and had one of the larger kennels in the US for working dogs. Many of my dogs went to Police work and sight dogs for the blind.
This is Elvis after telling the sheeps and the goats he is in town and is the new Sherrif. I put him in the pasture to get exercise and to form his dominant relationship with his flock of goats and sheep. He sometimes chases them around the pasture for 20 minutes at a time and even at 4 months catches a few. I am in the pasture with him now to make sure he knows what his bounds are.
This is an outstanding example of the breed who loves to work and to please. He was the alpha male and while difficult as pups to raise he will be a great working dog. I will also attack train him when he is older but he is already taking to that sort of work with the Haitian workers:)
I got a call from his breeder. He has his sister who was the alpha female of the litter and the breeder can't handle her. He offered her to me for free which I am considering. I am going to see her this weekend in Santo Domingo and will make up my mind if I want to take her or not. Depends on how she tests out and what she looks like to me. Then I have to decide. I have to separate them when she is in heat which will be a pain in the ass.
Hasta Pronto!

I'm BACK!!!! and Heeeeeeere's Disnalda

I had the pleasure of being allowed to spend the day with Disnalda on her birthday! I took her along with Maria and Maria's son Melvin to Puerto Plata to buy her some new clothes. Nothing easier than buying beautiful clothes for a beautiful young lady who is growing up WAY TOO FAST.
I told her mom when I returned her that I was going to take my Machete and cut her off at the knees so I can have my little girl back. She is turning into a beautiful young lady who is doing great in school. Lots of fun to hang out with also. Her mother thanked me when I returned her but all I could say was "NO THANK YOU". I meant that from the bottom of my heart!
This is one of the new outfits we bought along with about 6 others:) She is wearing everything new to go home in because she had her birthday party that evening.
Besides going to shop we stopped at Pizza Hut in Playa Dorada and had some great food that everyone loved. After Pizza we went back to the house to go swimming in the pool since that is what we always do!
Matter of fact we all went back Saturday night for dinner. Maria's son Melvin and Marias sisters daughter who was also with us wanted Pizza again so we called Disnaldas mom on the way and she said it was ok to take her also. What luck, two times in one week having the company of the LOVELY Disnalda!
Sorry all for not updating but there was a problem with logging into the blog. Sometimes it takes a while to straighten out.
Hasta Pronto!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vacation time Isla Soana y Bayahibe

The highlight of my trip was Bayahibe and taking an excursion to Isla Saona. I have been to Bayahibe a few times before but never went to the out islands. This first picture is Maria when we were returning on a large Sailboat/Catamaran with a large group of people. It was a party for sure.
The cost of this excursion was 1200 pesos per person which is about 45 us dollars. We left in a Motorboat and returned on the Cat. It was all inclusive with drinks and food. Also there was entertainment all day which was fun.
This is the beach in Isla Soana. Lovely white sand beaches with lovely turquois waters. The ride out was about 50 minutes not including a swimming stop.
This was Maria's first time on any sort of Boat. When we were first headed out there with Maria holding my forearm reminded me of taking a hit while training a rottweiler using a sleeve. The teeth didn't get to me but the pressure was intense and hurt. She held so hard to my arm I thought I was going to turn black and blue.
Most Dominicans only experience on boats is taking the Yola to Puerto Rico. A yola is something like the 20 person boat we took to Isla Soana but with 89 t0 100 people on it. A lot of times they sink with a lot of loss of life. Dominicans even though most don't attempt the yola hear from survivors how bad it was. Going through the Mona Passage to Puerto Rico is dangerous in a safe boat most times let alone overcrowded to the max.
Above is a picture of her before heading out. She doesn't look too comfortable.
Of course this is me in my favorite T-shirt. Thanks Dawn!
These are some of the people on the return sail. Bunch of charactors looking to only have a good time. I had a great time watching them carry on.
This was probably the highlight of my trip and will return here again! Great time for little money. Fabulous day. This will be on the future "Escott's South and East Coast Tour".

Hasta Pronto!

Vacation on the South and East Coast of Dominican Republic

About once a year I get the urge to be a tourist and head to the tourist laden East and South Coast.
This is one of my favorite places called Altos de Chavon which is a replica of a small Italian village sitting atop Rio (River) de Chavon. It has an art school and an amphitheater.
This year I did this trip with Maria and no one else. Traveling with others is a burden usually with different people wanting different things and aquiesing to others while noble sucks:)
One of my past favorite things to do was to buy signed and number lithos done by past students. You never know, the piece you buy there for pennies can be worth a fortune when the artist grows up. I have 7 of these hanging on my walls in my condos now. Unfortunately they only had one to sell and all of the ones that they had were dirty and torn.
There is now a 5 dollar entry fee to go into Altos de Chavon but Dominicans don't have to pay. They made me show my cedula although they didn't make Maria show hers since she walked in after me:) This is just another reason to be a citizen. Freaks everyone out and taking bets that I am Dominican is the other:)
This picture is overlooking the Rio Chavon. Nothing too impressive to me, just another dirty polluted river in the Dominican Republic.
If you get to this side of the island it is a must see and will be on the future "Escott South and East Coast Tour".
Hasta Pronto~!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Marc The Asshole of Rockys

He said I would lose money on the sale of the restaurant. Well I sold it and I made more than he has made the whole time he has been in Sosua. That mental midget who hides in a little room being the QUEEN of the internet hasn't gotten the first thing right in his life I can guarantee it.
If you want bad food, stupid advice, horrible lodgings or to hear about his sex life (which is sexual harrassment of his employees) check into Rockys Bar in Sosua where terrible service is the norm, passive cigarette smoking will kill you and his sex stories will bore you to death.

Hasta Pronto!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Nice Weekend

First of all I have to give credit for this photo to my friend Amity. She sent me a link to her picture storage and I yoked this one to post on the blog when I had a chance. Beautiful flower!
Saturday I worked a half day getting stuff done at the new location for QuiXotes which is located inside the Europa Hotel on Pedro Clisante on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic.
They finished banging out the concrete the stone floor was set in and tomorrow which is Monday they start regrouting it with Granito. That is crushed granite what has a nice look to it.
Hopefully this week I get the storefront installed that will separate the restaurant from the Pool area in the back. Next will be to get another set of double glass doors set to make a dining area that I can Air Condition. It will be pretty small and only seat from 20 t0 24 people but that is a lot if I can serve that area 2x for dinner which I am planning on doing eventually on those hot summer nights.
Also the Top cabinates have been stripped to put smoked glass on the outside looking in and mirrors on the doors facing out with lights. That should be finished this coming week also.
Ah more about the restaurant when I go back to work tomorrow. Saturday afternoon when I was finished working I called my buddy Jackie Quontree to see how he was doing and perhaps to have dinner with him. I was actually thinking about going up to Puerto Plata and eating and hanging there but he came to Sosua instead. We met at Eddys Sports Bar to watch the Heavyweight fight that was on the big screen and then had dinner at Asiatico which is also located in Eddys Sports Bar.
I had Yellow Seafood Curry which was out of this world. Jackie had some sort of pork dish with rice and he said he liked it a lot also. Afterwards we went over to the new restaurant to show him what had happened since he was there the week before. After hanging out there for a while we went out prowling the streets. First stop was Lou's NY Shark Bar. Had some good conversations and drinks with Lou and hit the road again. To make a long story short we spent the night on the town and chatting most of the night. At the end of the night I suggest to Jackie to stay over and he could return to Puerto Plata after breakfast which he agreed to and I took him to his car and he followed me home and then disappeared and has never been heard from again! Oh well, I am not my brothers keeper.
Today I went to the home of Avocado Brian with my friend Camden Tom. Tom wanted to see how and what Brian did to his Gentlemans farm since he also bought a farm in the area and is still unsure which direction to go in with it. We spent the day sampling wines and liquors and having enjoyable conversations. Brian has a winery and a distillary close by and makes both liquors and wines locally. I plan on selling these at QuiXotes when we open.
Came home and just hung out on the computer listening to music and relaxing the rest of the day and night and will be at the restaurant to open up for the workers at 8 am tomorrow. I look forward to it and getting making a lot of progress this coming week. Sorry that the blog hasn't been that regular nor have my photos which I know a lot of people enjoy.
Hasta Pronto!