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This blog doesn't get the regular updates but will be more controversial.
It you came here from my other blog that was hosted on DR1 you will know most of the people I speak about who either live or have an interest in the Dominican Republic.
I have met a lot of decent people who I want as friends and continue to meet them on a regular basis. These are as nice a group of people I have ever met in my life anywhere in the world and I consider the Domincan Republic a WAY MORE OF A GOLD MINE of great people.
That being said the BAD ones are way worse and harder to distinguish than those that I have met in other places. You have to be careful not to smile sometimes around these people because if you are not on top of your game you may lose any gold fillings you may have had in your teeth and not even know it. Snakes are what some of these people are.
There is one woman I met in the DR who is from S. Africa and married to a American Apologist. He apologises for everything bad his wife says about the US which is a shame. I guess balls are a hard thing to come by for that American.
First time I met these guys we went to a restaurant in Cabarete which is on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic on the Beach. We went into a restaurant on the beach and had drinks and maybe something to eat although I don't remember. This inconsiderate PERSON Blew smoke at me the whole time already knowing how much I dislike it as she chain smoked every second we sat there.
This same person considers herself an environmentalist which is really rich. She pollutes my space and claims to want to help the world. Only thing she cares about is about enriching herself. She takes part in an environmental blog which is the biggest bunch of hot air I have ever seen. If you want a good laugh email me for the link.
Her latest deal is forming a foundation and trying to hustle people into donating which is rich because it is made up of her and her husband and her daughter. The daughter is a sweet and considerate girl but I believe is affected by her mother's greed and financial control although I don't know for sure but I certainly don't want to badmouth her as I do her hustling mother who in my opinion is just one of the useless people here in the Dominican Republic.
She was trying to hustle land in Punta Rusia which in case you didn't know has NO TITLE and even when you get to purchase a piece I am not sure you will actually have anything. I went out there with a friend to check it out after hearing from her the LOW LOW PRICES of land there. If it is too good to be true folks, it is probably too good to be true.
A friend of mine used to work for her and quit when she didn't pay him. I ran into her and she gave me money to give to him which was about 20% of what was owed and she asked me to speak to him about going back to work for them.
When I met with my friend he said, "thanks for the money but I wouldn't go back to work for those idiots ever again". My friend was unemployed at the time he said this to me and I had a hard time understanding him. He just figured it out before I did is all that turned out to be. A wise man he is and I have a new found respect for him after I understood what the story was.
These people tell you they have an international computer consulting business, a Free Trade Cosmetic Business Shipping to the entire Caribbean and numerous other things that seemed to give them credibility. Nada folks, all smoke and mirrors and if these people are successful at anything it just may be the art of the hustle.
I understand that their Cosmetic business is operated out of a building smaller than my bathroom and that it is all fluff just like everything else these people do.
Be very careful of this person as she has fooled many people who I consider intelligent. Not for long as they catch on quickly but you can get into a world of trouble fairly quickly in the Dominican Republic so watch yourself around her. Just remember "Cheap Hustlers are GOOD at what they do or they would NEVER be successful".
My latest experience with these people was at my Thanksgiving Dinner/1st Annual Benefit Auction held at Eddys Sports Bar. I have been doing Thanksgiving Dinners, Easter Dinners and 4th of July dinners for years and simply as a means of getting Expats in the DR together for good times. They wouldn't go to Eddys because a certain Website which most people didn't like put up a free ad for Eddys. They insisted that Eddy paid for this ad although I asked him directly if he did and Eddy said no. Still, she wouldn't support him. Hell when I said this to Eddy he said he would ask the guy to take the banner ad down. I told him not to bother because you can't please all of the people no matter what you do but wanted to make him aware of this.
This "OTHER" website it turns out she was involved in at the beginning. It was invented to compete with DR1. She had a fight and claims to be suing the guy about different issues and that is the only reason she is not on that failing ship. She went back to DR1 to promote herself there and filled the owners head with more BS and not the truth. She volunteered to set up a weather deal to compete with her new found enemy who specialized in this on the other site.
There is no need to mention names here because when you meet these people you WILL KNOW from what I have written to stay away and keep your hands on your money at all times.
Hasta Pronto!